Today I wanted to comment about a problem  that it's happening right now. A problem that puts our lives in dangeour, maybe not now but in a near future it will. I'm talking about THE CONTAMINATION. Our planet need our help and we need to be informed about the damaged we are causing. Did yow know that in Chile every year, 7.4 million tons of garbage are generated and 80% of chileans do not recycle? Did you know that all our garbage is thrown to the ocean? Did you know that the ocean its so contaminated that there are PLASTIC ISLANDS floating and growing every day? Actually there is a plastic island in the Pacific Ocean bigger that United States!
 I think we all see contamination as a little thing, like it's nothing and like its so far away, but we are wrong, it is so near we have to react now because then will be too late. With 'react' I mean that WE have to make the changes not wait till others make it. Even with little acts,  we can make a change , for example: stop throwing papers, plastic bottles, cigarretes, or other thing to the floor.  Or, if you see trash in the floor throw it to the trash cans( our country is full of them in every spot), it's not a big deal, even if its of another person!
 The world needs help right now and we have to stop being selfish and start making changes for everyone, not only for us. I decided to make a change and I think the best way to help is picking up the trash from the ground, I promised myself that if I see a paper I would throw it in the place it corresponds. It's not the biggest help and that way I will not stop contamination, but if i can change my way if seeing contamination and of others I am satisfied.
What's going to be YOUR change?


  1. Contamination is an important topic to talk about, this issue certainly will not affect us, the affected will be our children. For this reason we have to start protecting our planet and start to recycle more. I wish every person begin recycling.

  2. Hi Antonia!! I enjoyed a lot your post because it is something very actual and that we need to react now. As family we proposed last year to recycle paper, plastic and cans and my mother takes them to a recycling spot near my home called "Punto Limpio". I think that in Chile there is not so many consciousness of this theme and that many people are even not interested in recycling. As Seba Hagedorn said, this issue will affect at our children more than us, so I think that if everyone collaborates we would definitely make a change and stop this problem.

  3. I think people are more interested in other things, such as the trending make-up, clothes, etc. Not only contamination, people are in denial about the world's problems. Our biggest problem right now is not caring enough, peoplr have to see them in TV to care. Let's change that.

  4. Also, I think that the chilean goberment needs take more action in order to develop as a recycling country.

  5. Hi Antonia! I really liked the subject of your post, I think it is a very important issue that needs to be discussed. Most people are not taking the weight of this big problem and as you say they see it as a small problem but it is a very important one, we have to worry now before it is too late. I think we should all recycle at home, use less paper, etc.

  6. I really enjoyed your post, it's very important to talk more about subjects like this. Sadly because of contamination, mainly plastic residues Sea life has been compromised, causing many plants and sea animals to die or to greatly diminish in population. Many people think this doesn't affect us much, but microplastics have entered our food chain and inevitably we are consuming plastic when we eat contaminated fish or water. I agree that everyone should try to fight contamination and try not to use products that contain microplastics since they end up at our dinner table.

  7. Thanks Antonia for your post, its really an important topic because its the contamination of our home, town, cities and the whole world, which is affecting more than 7 billion people.
    Some of us think that they cant make a change by just picking up trash on the streets, people that have that kind of thinking are the ones who leds us to contamination. We human beings are a community and if we all cooperate we can make a real difference. Just imagine each person of our 7 billion race , picked a up each piece of garbage or trash they see on the streets, the world would have amazing overall improval on contamination terms. So support the cause
    because together we can make the world better.

  8. Than you Antonia for such an interesting post! I think contamination and specially global warming are the biggest problems in the modern world. However, many people in our society do not want to start a change! I think that we have to start first of all, by changing our consumer society, and also start recycling! I was so happy when I found out that our goverment will establish a law in which they forbid plastic bags in all of the country, this will definitely make a change in our society!


  9. Hi Antonia, I really liked your post, its really an important subject to talk about it.
    It is true that this problem of contamination, that we don’t see the effects directly, will not affect us, but it will affected our children.
    Another think, is that the government has to be part of this change in order to move the whole country to reduce the actual pollution.
    But there are a few companies in Chile who are helping to solve this problem. One of this companies are ^Green Glass^, that recycle glass bottles into common glasses with unique designs that people really likes.

  10. Antoo, I liked so much your post because it is a global and actual problem. We are responsible for the environment’s contamination and we haven’t even done something to help.
    And because of this , me and my family, have been recycling things to help the ecosystem. I have heard that there are some campaigns that go to beach and pick up all the garbage.


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