Michael Phelps

I think Michael Phelps is the greates athlete of all times. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland on June 30th, 1985 He was the youngest of three children. He began swimming at the age of 7 to control his attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and by the age of 10 he held a national record for his age group. For the 2000 summer Olympics, at the age of 15, he became the youngest male in the US Olympic swim team. At this same age he became the youngest male to set a swimming world record when he won the 200 meter butterfly race at the World Aquatics Championship. From then on he kept breaking world and national records. Then came the time when he started winning Olympic games. The first were the 2004 Olympics were he got 6 gold medals and 2 bronze medals. Then came the 2008 Beijing summer Olympics were he earned 8 gold medals, 7 of them were world records. In this Olympics, he became the man with more gold medals in a single Olympics games.

He commited a few mistakes in his life that i disagree with. He was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol twice, and a photo of him using a bong appeared in social media. He publicly regreted this and created a foundation to promote healthy and active lives, specialy through swimming.

Eventhough he has commited a few mistakes in his life, he is someone you can easily admire.


  1. Hii michel,
    I really like Michael Phelps too, I think its amazing how something that was an "obstacle" (hyperactivity) helped him find somethig that he was good at an also something he must like giving he is still participating. I also think is amazing you can live your life based on what you like, earning money because of it and dedicating your time to train for it. All your life is "trapped" in that thing but it doesnt matter becaus you like it. Imagine being trapped in something you hate, that would be horrible.

  2. Michel:
    Great post! For me, Michael Phelps is the best athlete alive. Bieng gifted with a talent is important, but being able to enhace that talent is much more important.All the effort and persistance he has put put into his carreer is definitely the main cause of his success as an athlete.

  3. Martín Sandoval:
    Hi Michel, I agree with you, Michael Phelps is someone that anyone can easily admire, specifically if you love and practice sports. I have always been a fan of Phelps and he has followed some tough pathways but he has still done an amazing career and that is what makes him a great competitor.
    Have a nice week.

  4. Thanks michael; I know you have been swimming for the last year therefore I think that, thats why you blogged about michael phelps. I totally agree with you in terms that Michael phelps is one of the greatest athletes of all time. It is amazing how kids that are discriminated for some of their capacities or problems. For example if phelps hadnt found swimming he would be a kid with problems at school but instead he use this ability and used it for swimming, giving him the opportunity to relax in his life. A truly excelent example.

  5. Hi MicheI, I really agree with your publication. For me, he is the best athlete I have ever seen, not only for his physical abilities, but for his willingness to move forward. He leaves you an important lesson; you need to found what makes you happy, and follow that way. Michael Phelps went in swimming because of his attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but as soon as he found that swimming was his path, he take the maximum advantage of it and you can see the results!


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