Municipality's tech

So, as we all know, technologies are constantly improving. For instance we can now see how municipalities make more and more use of these. I would like to talk about 2 of the most crazy devices that i´ve seen used by municipalities.
The first one came out last year in Las Condes; 2 security drones. These drones are meant to stop drug traffic and consumption in public spaces such as parks. They are controlled by 6 certified inspectors. These drones also count with speakers so they can give personalized warnings. In case that the person doesn´t answers to this the inspectors contact the police and it can lead to an arrest.
The second element came out this year in Vitacura: a robot employee. This droid is inside the municipality in Parque Bicentenario. It´s called Neo and it´s function is to give out information and escort neighbors that go to the Civic Center.It gives verbal, visual and auditory assistance. Neo also counts with cameras in order to recognize expressions and faces.
I happen to think that these two products are very innovative and modern. I hope you see them sometime. The drones are a bit harder to find but Neo is always in the same place. What do you think about these high tech in municipalities? Do you think they are a necessary expense?
 Resultado de imagen para drones las condes


  1. I think that they aren't necesary because each person should be in charge of their acts. That money can be use to help poor people instead of wasting it on drones

  2. I think 2 drones are useless. Theft, traffic and crimes will remain. I find that it is an advance but if they are going to do it, they should do it well and implement a complete security system, which works

  3. I personally like the idea of innovating aspects such as security and assistance. It shows institutions are willing to move forward with modernity, and it also shows people there is the concern of providing a better quality of life. Nevertheless, some of these decisions may not be as wise as we believe when it comes to using resources prudently. For example, having security drones is a great idea since they do not involve a massive investment. But on the contrary, having a robot do what a person could easily do, I think it’s too much.

  4. I think that artificial intelligence is a great tool as long as it stays like that, a tool. I mean, technology must be to help humans, but not to control us !
    Well I might have gone to far hahaha, I think that is great that they innovate in public security !

  5. The world is changing, and we have to accept this. Tecnology is constantly improving faster and faster, so I think that it's very good that municipalities start changing the way they work too. Sooner or later they will have to. I think that even if they don't work as expected it's good because we have to start with something and then try to improve it. If we don't keep up with tecnology, the world will leave us behind.


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